"Not like other places.." ART PRINT


"Not like other places.." ART PRINT


Leading up to the release of my debut novel, WISTERIA, I released a bunch of teaser trailers and promotional pieces, like this one.

I knew they would make great “posts,” but in the back of my mind, I always knew they’d make even better art prints!

If you’ve read WISTERIA, and want to show off your love of the story, these characters and this very unique place deep within the wilderness, please consider picking up one of these exclusive art prints.

These are 12 inches x 12 inches in size, making them a perfect square!

These are very cool!

If you do purchase an art print (or any other piece of merchandise), please feel free to tag myself or MANGLED MONSTERS in your online post, so I can personally like your post and also, comment!

THANK YOU so much for your support!

You are literally helping me to become a full-time writer and author!

Your support means everything to me!

Important shipping information:

PLEASE be patient in regards to shipping time.

Everything on my website, is first sent to me for inspection, and then sent to you.

THANK YOU so much for your understanding!

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